lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Dulces frases para grandes mentes

Thin is a Skill. -Yeeep!
Is food more important than your health, your appearance, your quality of life??? -Of course not.
What's in your lips today is in your hips tomorrow! -All true.
Thin has a taste all its own.
Calories can't make you happy.
I don't take the first little bite; I don't begin. I have no problem.
Keep yourself awake. If you sleep, you aren't burning calories.
The more they give me, the less I'll eat.
The only freedom left is the freedom to starve. -How true! ^^
Bones define who we really are, let them show.
Do you really want to be that weight for the rest of your life!?!? -Please not!
Giving in to food shows weakness, be strong and you will be better than everyone else.
Fridge pickers wear big knickers.
Eating the wrong foods is what helped me to gain weight.
Eat less, weigh less.
Food is the we all must quit.
You want food? Look at those THIGHS! -Looking at my huge thighs make me feel no more hungry n-n
Those bones don't mean I'm skinny, they mean there's more to lose. 
Ask me to show you perfect and I will show you a thin person.
Starving is not pain, it's the cure. -And it's better than medicine.
Happy or sad, rich or poor, it's better being thin.
Inside us is a thin person struggling to get out, but she is too sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.
Brain cells come and go, but fat cells live forever.
One of life's mysteries is how a 2-pound box of candy can make a woman gain 5 pounds.
Starve my pain away, make me beautiful, make everything ok, turn my problems into bone,crush them up, gather the remains, blow away the dust.
Thin is beautiful but even thinner is perfection.
Thin is forever. -While you starve :]

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. yo te quiero Ina! todo bien con eso hasta lo de las celulas cereblaes ejemmmmmmm
